is one of the antichi centers of the Gallura, to 500 mt above sea level.
It has davanti the solid poderoso of the Limbara and, to the shoulders,
un' articulated mount crown that render it characteristic and it confers
it an only panorama. Heaps graniti to us and tondeggianti hills confer
the dominant features to the landscape of its territory. L' original Flat
of the Large ones It is known, become in tourist era Goes them of the
Moon. Other characteristic of the aggese landscape is the presence of
the " Stazzi". They are these characteristic
casolari of campaign with annexed stables and ovili.
L' economy of Aggius rests on the agricultural-pastorale field, sull'
industrial handicraft, on the services, the terziario and sull' handicraft.
A good number of women finds occupation in the handicraft webbing of the
carpets. A permanent extension in the Pavilion dell' ISOLA
and in MUSEUM ETNOGRAFICO, besides those private ones,
in the single laboratories, and un' anniversary during l' organized summer
from the PRO-LOCO they allow to sell some |
and traditions
Culture and trazizioni With deep roots in the past, Aggius
conserve an immense patrimony of traditions and popular culture:
legends, proverbi, anecdotes, fiabe. The Patronale festivity
in honor of Ours Mrs. of the Rosary and Saint Victoria, to
first of October, still has un' appendix all profane one in
the so-called one " Festivity of them agghjani"
that is of the young people, the bachelors. The processioni
and the rituals of the Saint Week are accompanied from the
salmodiante song of the Confraternite of the Rosary and Croce
Saint and of the better traditional Choruses of the moment
Ad ogni tipo di Rito il suo canto: arioso e solare quello
della Domenica delle Palme e dll'incopntro fra il Cristo Risorto
e la Madrea Maria, cupo e struggente quello del Miserere e
dello Stabat Mater nelle processioni notturne per la visita
dei Sepolcri. |

But where the tradition is maintained it lives is in the Dance
and the Song: The first one - to circle or braces - before
dell' advent dell' organetto it was animated from various
choruses that alternated themselves and animated the dance
or in knows them or in occasion of weddings or during the
festivities on the sagrati ones of the churches. |
The song always has been a moment centers them of religious
civil living of a community tied to the agropastorale world.
The most practiced it has been always the choral song, entrusted
all' agreement of five voices, fused between they. Its origin
is mostly religious: on the tones of the Stabat Mater of the
Tibi, of the "Miserere" and other songs
of the Saint Week and the liturgy of the Church topics of
profane content have been grafted, inneggianti backs to the
beauty and the virtues of the loved woman, local work of poets
and rimatori. Of sure profane origin they are instead the
Brunedda, most famous of the aggese song, and the "Disispirati",
kind of serenate in honor dell' mistress, from the despertar=svegliare
Spanish. |
The dialetto of Aggius it is the gallurese, speech of Còrsa derivation
asserted verosimilmente between 1550 and 1600 nearly nell' entire territory
of the Sardinia North turned towards the Corsica, with the sent and vibrated
specificity of a eloquio more, of some lessicali forms and with detail
phonetic use of Z to the place of the palatale C. |